Frequently Asked Questions
What is Sellex
- It is a trading bot coded to suit all communities and carry out purchases, sales and auctions, with the ability to modify the details of these commands to facilitate the trade process for the user and communities.
How can I use Sellex bot?
- All you have to do is add a channel for trade by the following command:
/trading channel
Then you can add currency by following command: /add currency After that you can use the trade command /trade
- In cases like the auction you may need to set the configuration channel via the following command: /config channel
And adjust the auction time by the following command: /auction time
- You can also view the rest of the commands and their description by clicking on this button
Can the trade data of one server be used in another server?
- The data that is collected by the bot and used on a server is not shared and is not shown to any other server by the bot
Each server has its own data that the bot saves and does not use on any other server.
What languages does the bot use and is it possible to add another language?
- The bot uses these languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, French
and for sure, other languages will be added at the request of users