Command Description Category Permission
add blacklist Adding the user to the blacklist, which makes him unable to use trade orders or even use trade buttons Blacklist Administrator
add currency Add currency to your guild, this currency is only for this guild and can then be used by users in trade commands Config Administrator
alert enable Enable Trade Alerts, you will be alerted if any trades occur within this guild
Notice: The user must be able to receive private messages, otherwise the bot will not be able to send any messages to this user
Config Everyone
alert disable Disable Trade Alerts, The bot will stop sending trade alerts to the user Config Everyone
auction time Setting a duration or changing the duration for the auction Config Administrator
blacklist data Check blacklist information for user   time , reason , admin  if it already exists Blacklist Administrator
change budget Modify trade budget by the trade reference code for the user within the guild in which the command is used only Modification Everyone
change items Modify trade items  add items , change items  by the trade reference code for the user within the guild in which the command is used only Modification Everyone
check trading_channels To check the number of trade channels in the guild and their names General Administrator
config channel Adding configuration channel to this guild, in which important additions and changes to the trading system appear only for the guild to which the config channel has been added, and this channel will be important in the case of using the auction Config Administrator
dm enable Enable direct messages, enable sending direct messages with private trade commands
Notice: The user must be able to receive private messages, otherwise the bot will not be able to send any messages to this user
Config Everyone
dm disable Disable direct messages, the bot will stop sending direct messages that send with trade commands Config Everyone
help Explain the important commands of the bot General Everyone
info Information about the bot and its creator General Everyone
language Set the language of the guild that used this command
This bot uses these languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, French
Config Administrator
modification Modify user trades either by cancellation or termination: Cancel, Done
It also helps in deleting reference codes in case the trade is deleted by mistake
Modification Everyone
remove currency Remove currencies that have been added to the guild Modification Administrator
remove blacklist Remove blacklist from the user Blacklist Administrator
remove trading_channel Remove trading channel from the guild Modification Administrator
remove trading_channelid Remove trading channel from the guild by ID Modification Administrator
remove specific_role Remove specific role for the guild Modification Administrator
remove config_channel Remove config channel for the guild Modification Administrator
send_message enable Enable sending messages in trade channels Config Administrator
send_message disable Disable sending messages in trade channels Config Administrator
specific role Add a specific role for the guild in which the command was used, with three types:

button : Allows a role selected with this type to be able to use trade buttons such as "Seller" , "Buyers" , "open the auction"

trader : Allows a role selected with this type to be able to use trade command /trade

all : Allows a role selected with this type to be able to use trade buttons and trade command
Config Administrator
specific_role enable Enable specific role for the guild
Notice: You will need to set at least: "Buttons" and "Trader" or just "All"
Config Administrator
specific_role disable Disable specific role from the guild Config Administrator
trade A trade command that is used to buy or sell any items with the ability to add a image or video with this command
Notice: You will need to have an added currency and trading channel in order to use this command
General Everyone
trading channel Add a channel in order to use it for trading Config Administrator
trading info See trade information in the guild, how many trades are currently in progress, how many trades for the user, and the language used in trade in the guild General Everyone
view trades Seeing trade information of the user by the reference code, and this also helps in the event that there are a lot of trades and you need to know the trade data in order to modify it General Everyone